Friday, May 29, 2009

caught on cam

Boy Abunda was wise enough to explain the craze.The sex was forbidden,the persons frolicking on the videos are famous,and how it landed in the flea market is a fiercely hot debate. To ditto what he said, all the elements that tickle curiosity are present. But if you’d dig deeper, there is more to this smut than what meets the eye. The real issues are these:friendship,fidelity,responsibility and women’s rights.

How come Kho’s friends knew about these videos? Was it because he bragged about it?Assuming his friends did the uploading and distribution, what could have prompted them to do so?Money?Maybe.Revenge after his friend discovered that Kho bedded his girlfriend?Most likely.

It only takes two people to be in a relationship. Poaching, consciously aware that he is very much in a relationship with your benefactor is downright foul.Now if you are involved in a relationship, aren’t you supposed to be content to just one partner?
Since when did indiscriminate sex come into the equation of a mature, loving relationship?
This was taken from

Being a hunk doctor doesn’t exempt you from acting like a gentleman. It’s not an excuse for you to treat girls as pinballs that you should smash in every set so you could video-cord your trysts and walk away feeling you’re a Casanova.

Psychiatrists will have a field day psychoanalyzing Kho. The media will continue to feast on the thickening plot. More women will come out and insist on their stories.

I think it would do Dr. Belo good if she stops nitpicking the girls on the video even in jest regarding what not to do. Her supposed ex boyfriend had been a very willing predator. If you catch your guy redhanded ,no thanks to his hidden camera,and it should be quite clear that the most sensible thing to do is to cut clean. Defy love. Try good judgment.

Katrina should come out and clear the issue on drugs. She had been courageous to confront the shame head on.There should be no stopping her to be candid on this one.

Kho’s Mom should simply keep her silence.The stark contrast of her claims and se son’s sexcapades can’t be reconciled.
Yes, every mother’s heart goes out to her son but when your son did something explicitly wrong, then you should rise above your affection and act on the situation. Counsel him to cut the hanky panky.Let it be known that he doesn’t just get a slap on the wrist but a proper scolding.

I got this from Carlo Ople's blog which he claimed was taken from a facebook account.

Atty.Kapunan has asserted that the showing of his client’s body parts is also a case of exploitation because he didn’t consent to it. The hoary maxim what goes around,comes around hasn’t been truer.Her client should remind himself that those girls on the video didn’t consent on being a part of his sex library either.

A big blow on a showbiz career, the possibility of a more pull out on endorsements, a beauty clinic that will undergo a probe, a case in court and a more sensational public trial. Name it and it would seem that things could go from bad to worse.

The only thing that could go right would be the making of a law that enforces steeper fines and harsher punishments against voyeurism.

Those who are behind the cam should have reasons to be scared before they could toy on the prurient idea of sexuality again and scar more lives.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

go figure it out!!!!!!!!

According to, there are nine people on this picture. So squint your eyes, unlock your inner Sherlock Holmes and go straight to the search:-)Doraemon found 8 out of nine....You might care to offset his score.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

star trek

When planets have decided to create a federation, a union to ensure the solidarity in the galaxy has been established.But hostilities surfaced when a deceptive rescue operation to the Vulcans turned out to be an attack.With little time to spare and a raging animosity between Spark and Jim,the story takes you to a solar system at peril,where the meaning of being a citizen is redefined and the beauty of humanity is recaptured. The movie gives you a glimpse of the future and allows you to peek on what could possibly be OUT there.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jane's brain twisters

JANE had come up with these two mind boggling trivias.Enjoy answering!

Ye rim and Gui rim are playmates.One day, they decided to play hide and seek. Each of them really chose the best place to hide. When they finally settled,Ye rim found a spot on the southern part of the play ground while Gui rim found one towards the north. Yet,they can look at each other.How could this be possible?

There was once a man who told his friend about his latest accident. He said that a week ago, he was climbing an eight meter ladder when accidentally he had fallen. His friend, looking worried, asked if he had any serious wounds after it. To his friend's suprise,he gamely said he was okay. His friend thought of it deeply and asked "Considering it was an eight meter ladder, how come he had NO trace of scar after suffering a bad fall?"

Monday, May 11, 2009


After sometime,WE finally DECIDED to HAVE a family picture. Presenting my ultra serious father,my chatty mother and my sinister sisters.......Thanks Jaye for lending your photographic prowess!

the complete set:-)

Ate,Yaku,Me:-), and Kelly

Thursday, May 7, 2009

astroboy is back!

After being missing in action,he's back with a truckload of fun!

Here is the transcript of that "insanely happy" encounter.
[8:48:54 PM] Gladys Hornido says: brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[8:48:59 PM] Gladys Hornido says: how are you?
[8:53:02 PM] genius patrick says: fine
[8:53:16 PM] Gladys Hornido says: Are you slimmer now?
[8:53:20 PM] genius patrick says: no
[8:53:24 PM] genius patrick says: but
[8:53:25 PM] Gladys Hornido says: Can I call you?
[8:53:31 PM] genius patrick says: little bit
[8:54:23 PM] genius patrick says: sorry
[8:54:30 PM] genius patrick says: here is
[8:54:39 PM] Gladys Hornido says: why?
[8:54:41 PM] genius patrick says: brother 's seat
[8:54:52 PM] Gladys Hornido says: ;(
[8:54:53 PM] genius patrick says: mine is turn off
[8:54:59 PM] Gladys Hornido says: really?

[8:55:02 PM] genius patrick says: I'm turn on now
[8:55:12 PM] genius patrick says: wait a minute
[8:56:01 PM] genius patrick says: When I turn on mine I type " HI~~~~~~~~~" OK?
[8:56:19 PM] genius patrick says: O K A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!1
[8:56:19 PM] genius patrick says: ?
[8:56:21 PM] genius patrick says: ?
[8:56:23 PM] genius patrick says: ?
[8:56:24 PM] genius patrick says: ?
[8:56:33 PM] genius patrick says: ah~ teacher
[8:56:36 PM] genius patrick says: I'm doing the homework now. If mother see this, I will die.
[8:56:37 PM] genius patrick says: wait
[8:56:46 PM] Gladys Hornido says: :D
[8:56:51 PM] genius patrick says: mine is roading
[8:56:55 PM] Gladys Hornido says: loading
[8:57:09 PM] Gladys Hornido says: But I have a class at ten.
[8:57:19 PM] genius patrick says: aha! ok
[8:58:08 PM] genius patrick says: Hi~~~~~~~~~~~~
[8:58:10 PM] genius patrick says: ]
[8:58:35 PM] Gladys Hornido says: hello slimmer brilliant patrick!
[8:58:46 PM] Gladys Hornido says: can you hear my call?
[8:58:55 PM] genius patrick says: yes
[8:59:24 PM] Gladys Hornido says: oh my student is calling me
[8:59:41 PM] genius patrick says: oh~ my~ God~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
[8:59:50 PM] Gladys Hornido says: it's jane
[8:59:54 PM] genius patrick says: oh damn
[8:59:56 PM] genius patrick says: hehe

[8:59:59 PM] Gladys Hornido says: she said she has a heptic phone
[9:00:23 PM] genius patrick says: I'm heptic cookie phone
[9:00:26 PM] genius patrick says: hehehe
[9:01:52 PM] Gladys Hornido says: really?
[9:01:57 PM] Gladys Hornido says: Jane doesn't believe
[9:02:18 PM] genius patrick says: heptic cookie phone is even better than heptic phone.
[9:03:14 PM] Gladys Hornido says: really?
[9:03:19 PM] genius patrick says: yes
[9:03:21 PM] Gladys Hornido says: are you sure?
[9:03:27 PM] genius patrick says: yes
[9:03:30 PM] genius patrick says: promise
[9:04:31 PM] Gladys Hornido says: who bought it?
[9:04:50 PM] genius patrick says: my grandfa
[9:05:42 PM] Gladys Hornido says: yesterday?
[9:05:49 PM] genius patrick says: yes
[9:07:28 PM] Gladys Hornido says: Jane got an electronic dictionary.
[9:07:37 PM] genius patrick says: haha
[9:08:37 PM] Gladys Hornido says: she said haha
[9:08:44 PM] Gladys Hornido says: she had heptic phone months ago.
[9:08:55 PM] genius patrick says: hohoho
[9:09:35 PM] genius patrick says: cookie phone is more game in it.
[9:12:00 PM] genius patrick says: teacher i already had nintendo so my brother bought nintendo wii yesterday hahaha that's funny I played , it's goodly!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[9:12:03 PM] genius patrick says: hahaha
[9:12:07 PM] genius patrick says: good
[9:12:53 PM] Gladys Hornido says: Jane said she had nintendo wii before!
[9:13:03 PM] Gladys Hornido says: She said you are too late!
[9:14:28 PM] genius patrick says: hoho it Isn't because here, yesterday wii and all softwares are 30,0000 won. ALL WII SOFTWARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
[9:14:57 PM] genius patrick says: kid's day sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[9:15:18 PM] Gladys Hornido says: She said her dad bought it in the US!
[9:16:39 PM] genius patrick says: that's too bad korean is very useful! teacher, Is she has wii-fit, handle bar,all renote control?
[9:16:54 PM] genius patrick says: I have that!!
[9:17:02 PM] genius patrick says: hahaha
[9:20:55 PM] Gladys Hornido says: She dsaid she doesn’t know about it.
[9:21:15 PM] genius patrick says: hahaha sily girl
[9:21:21 PM] genius patrick says: hehehe
[9:22:49 PM] genius patrick says: teacher I go to school excursion to seoul young-in city. this is my friends and me.
[9:23:01 PM] genius patrick 채팅 상대에게 "수학여행.zip" 파일 전송
[9:23:43 PM] Gladys Hornido says: She said she will tell your mother that you called her silly!
[9:24:02 PM] genius patrick says: why are you said!!!!!!!!!!!!
[9:24:15 PM] genius patrick says: I just kidding
[9:25:33 PM] Gladys Hornido says: hahaha
[9:29:00 PM] Gladys Hornido says: She said she was just kidding!silly boy!
[9:30:27 PM] genius patrick says: ha...
[9:42:40 PM] genius patrick says: ok... file is download finished... good bye I must sleep now
[9:42:46 PM] genius patrick says: bybybye~~!
[9:42:55 PM] genius patrick says: see you tomorrow
[9:43:22 PM] Gladys Hornido says: yes
[9:43:34 PM] Gladys Hornido says: I will see you tomorrow!
[9:43:42 PM] Gladys Hornido says: log in at an earlier time...

Super Brilliant Space Primo Patrick,God of all gods, YOU are the WACKIEST!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Manny Pacquaio is the "Man"

In a country of 80 million Filipinos,stricken with poverty and cynical of politics;a Manny Pacquaio made us feel seemingly invincible.
Patricia Evengelista captured the euphoria on her column:Pacquiao dedicates his fights to the Philippines. His is a heroism that drops the crime rates to nonexistent on the days of his fights, whose calloused fist has been a constant cushion against every threat to the national ego. Chip Tsao can call us a nation of servants, the World Bank may call us thieves, and Down Under we may be unhygienic, but in the end, a land that birthed the fastest fist in the east is one that can swagger with the best of them. Every indignant online forum has at least one foaming-mouthed patriot who denounces insults by a mantra of “We have Manny Pacquaio.”
This is myth made flesh: the poor man’s son who by dint of sheer hard work found his way to former US President Bill Clinton’s table at the Four Seasons Hotel. This is the Filipino Dream: the boy who never finished school now sending his sons to an international school to rub elbows with the sons of CEOs, whose mama still prays on her knees while he whips his fist in a boxing ring, whose atrocious English makes him Everyman.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Courtesy of the text message of the sometimes amusing,usually annoying(wahaha!) Philip Drew Garlitos, this woke me up......
"If the liar says that he lied,is he telling the truth?"