Happy Graduation LUCY!!!!!!I know you weren't feeling well these past weeks but you still come to class....You are very smart.I don't say this lightly because how many twelve year olds know as much world trivias as you?Remember Turkey.Vatican and Thailand's uniques histories and geographical realities?And who else WILL feed me with the LATEST in Miley Cyrus' songs?You would put up with my poor voice quality(hahaha) just so I can master it(never mind the tune).You are the best LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miley Cyrus is one lucky girl for she has you a fan like you!!!!!!!I think if she can she would be coming to the event!
I'm a Political Science Major turned Pre School Teacher. I recently dabbled into Art and is constantly in doubt whether I'm teaching crap instead of craft to my students.I enjoy brisk walking,reading dogged-eared books,teaching and being taught by kids:),devouring sweets,meeting happy people and taking long naps during train rides.