Friday, October 30, 2009

of food and friendship

This is my favorite scene in the movie.365 days after,Julie,a culinary novice, whipped out this delicious array of recipe that yells:MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Together with best buds Visa and Carie, we trooped into the cinema to watch Julie and Julia.
The movie was supposed to start at 5:10 but no thanks to my erring punctuality, I arrived late….grrrrr..
While watching, we were binging on Chippy crackers and noticed that the theatre looked like we had a private screening because we can do a headcount on those who were inside. We even joked that for every person coming in, we were gaining movieHOUSEMATES.

The movie evolved on two women who found bliss in homecooking.
It was a searing statement in the power of curiosity. Julia was ignored in her all male cooking class and ridiculed when she can’t mince onions. She practiced religiously at home and even when the onion bulbs were tear-jerkers, she came up with a mountain pile.
Next day, like a true blue Cordon Bleu Chef,she made her classmates look like wimps when she emerged as the fastest chopper to finish the chore.
It was also a call to DARE.
In 1943,there were no French cook books printed in English. Julia sought to write one and she got published.
In 1992,Julie thought her blog only had a lone reader in the person of her Mom.When she looked up,she discovered the throngs of comments from her followers.She even received ingredients as gifts from her readers.She went on writing in cyber space, authored a book, and signed up for a movie.

It was BOOST on partnership.
We hear men credit their wives for the persons they’ve become. The movie turned the tables around and depicted how strong-willed and selfless men can mold their spouses into being driven and dedicated to their crafts.
Behind a great man is a great woman,vis-à-vis, behind a great woman is a great loving man.

But if I’ll pluck out the core message, it’s GETTING STARTED. It’s bad enough to be slacker, it’s worse to be a quitter but the worst kind is definitely the non-starter.
So whether it’s a new hobby, a new travel destination, or a new article to a forgotten but not forsaken blog-BRING IT ON.

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