Friday, July 9, 2010


So how do you suppose to celebrate when you're 25?Throw a party?
Embark on a river cruise?Plan a leave?

When I was on my tweens, the thought of being 25 evoke images of high heels , review notes for the bar,rim glasses and the aura of confidence that I'm living life on the fast lane.

Fast forward to being 24 and eleven months and those images seem to be a far cry of my present reality. 

My quarter of a century is devoid of esteemed junctures, that my younger self has conjured.I flunked subjects, brooded over an unsuccessful working visa application,been fooled by love,went broke,thrown into a bitter row with my boss,been listless,stir-crazy,and sorry.

Don't get me wrong.This is not a sappy story of a-what-my-life-could-have-been.For with all honesty,I can look at anyone in the eye and say-I'm happy!It's just that it's a surprisingly different trail.My present state smacks of  the adage "Life is what happens when you are making other plans."

I gambled when I decided to go to Singapore and I'm mighty proud that it paid off.It was in this blissful island city that I reaffirmed the concept that there is more to getting a job than dire need or a specified major.It was here that I punctuated my doubts to teaching preschoolers and embraced even the clingy,cranky,and choke-worthy ones;)It's no easy job to coax them to pay attention,especially when the child's mother tongue is non-English.But it's a lovely feeling every time they hold your hand,steal a kiss,and call your name non-stop.The feeling of being needed,of being loved,sits well with me.

to be continued....


  1. i like this post coach. maybe it's because of the cake' color... but actually, i like reading your posted thoughts... im on my way to being 24 soon... regards ^_^ mwaaah

  2. regards jely:)i'm sorry for the late reply.i miss u so much!i know u'll survive being 24 joyfully:)
