Tuesday, March 24, 2009


A father and his son were driving home one rainy evening.They met an accident.The father died and the son was rushed to the hospital.When he was brought to the Emergency room,the doctor came.As the doctor saw the patient ,the doctor shouted"That's my son!".Question:How come?Who was the doctor?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

25 Random Things

1)I like pancakes with maple syrup,pizzas, any dessert with whip cream on it and almond chocolates.
2)I'm the only one in my family who can't play chess so I always end up arranging the pieces.
3)I was an avid fan of the tv program Battle of the Brains and I secretely had a huge crush on David Celdran.
4)I enjoy the the spooky feeling of entering horror houses and watching scary movies.
5)I was once duped by our house helper to give her the key to my parent's drawer so she can give me a bundle of play money!
6)I'd love to study abroad:-D
7)When I'm finacially stable to forego 2-3 months of salary,I wish to do a volunteer teaching job in South America.
8)Even though I'm always mistaken as a Chinese,Japanese and Korean-I am proud to be Filipino.Just because I hope to settle abroad will never mean that I patronize my home country less.
9)The last famous quote that keeps on ringing on my mind is Barack Obama's "Greatness is never a given,it must be earned".
10)I would like to be a comedy bar denizen.
11)Without the slightest doubt,I think Beyonce is a diva:-D
12)No comment is my way of saying I'm too hurt or too pissed to start talking.
13)No matter how close we are, I feel uncomfortable answering a delicate question in a group.
14)I was brainwashed by a soothsayer to dislike waters because according to her it will be the catalyst of my death.
15)For the record, I lost four cellular phones.The one that I have right now has been with me for four years and inspite of it being nearly obsolete, I can't think of changing it.
16)I could be very stubborn.

17)Insomia has been giving me hellish nights.
18)I am an eclectic reader.
19)If for a day,I could choose a different identity,I would like to be a pastry chef or a habitual tourist.
20)I am usually a trusting person but once it's broken,it would take so much to rebuild it.
21)My Ate is my heroine.
22)For me,camwhoring complements travelling.
23)I would like to pursue teaching,writing and eventually a career in law.
24)I scoff at the idea of destiny.
25)I like subtlety and surprises.But I like it more when somehting is subtly surprising or surprisingly subtle.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

how to spend the last day with your student:-D

Extraordinary and funny
You've never been just one of the many
Remember when you joined the quizbee just to win a bike?
You weren't able to have it but in fencing,you always have the winning strike!

Who could forget the drinking contest?
You would finish it first while I'm still satisfying my thirst,
It was through you that I rediscovered cartoons,
You talked about pokemon,f4 and even sent me
G- dragon's emoticons!
You would teach a lot of Korean words,
And with your ninja robe
You had shown before me how good you are
with your sword!!!!!!!!!!!

An ASTRONAUT who will set foot in the black hole and milky way,

For whatever it costs, KIM JAE YOUN,tonight you will have your way,

If you wish to play checkers,we'll do so,even if my boss will fire me the next day!!!!!!

(And the loser is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

hanging out with friends:-)

There is always pure bliss when you meet old friends. Sans the fact that we were pigging out(hahaha) we had notorious fun!It was worth the under time:-)

so mUch has been left UNSAID

I couldn't understand why for someone who is fond of words,I couldn't give in to a simple plea.
"Tell us something about your lovelife",they said.
It was so short but it was all that was neeeded to leave me SPEECHLESS.
I appreciate my friends because of their ability to be candid.They can recount a narrative and say how they felt about it without hesitation.It felt strange that I couldn't be as OPEN.
So right here,in this portal,allow me to dispel IT.
I chose not to talk because I don't know IF I had TO. Talking for me would only mean I will dignify the pain and just when you start to utter the syllables of your first words , the hurt hits you with a jab, and like a broken record it runs a scornful repetition.
Part of the coping mechanism they say is to shield your thoughts from bitter memories. So I had to think of the mushy quotes, the sweet gestures, the movie hang-outs, the effort to talk with my father even if his Bisaya was so dismal. He was nice,no questions about that. And maybe I forgot that for those moments of being unapologetically happy, I was bound to be completely clueless after.
So in my perplexed mind,I called up a friend.I told her how helpless I am.She would constantly follow me up and during those intermittent calls,his father had eavesdropped once.He said "something" and his analysis was enough to let me burst into laughters.
Yet, even laughter was a short term remedy.
When you're alone in the biting chill of your room,you still brood over IT. Maybe pussyfooting has become a serious hobby for him. Maybe I had gotten so confused.But at the very least,I had expected him to do better than what he did.
I have made a decision.I will remain silent. I want that one day,when I'll meet him again- I can meet him straight in the eye with the subtle pride that springs from the knowledge that until the very end I played FAIR even when he can't afford to do the same.

Monday, March 2, 2009


It sounded so funny after my friend told me that when we had our private conversation once about a crappy heartache, her father was on the other line listening to it. He gave an unsolicited advice that got me really laughing. But it was the kind of laughter that hurts your jaw!Shame is written all over me.I don't know how to meet his father's gaze when I visit their house again.