Wednesday, March 18, 2009

25 Random Things

1)I like pancakes with maple syrup,pizzas, any dessert with whip cream on it and almond chocolates.
2)I'm the only one in my family who can't play chess so I always end up arranging the pieces.
3)I was an avid fan of the tv program Battle of the Brains and I secretely had a huge crush on David Celdran.
4)I enjoy the the spooky feeling of entering horror houses and watching scary movies.
5)I was once duped by our house helper to give her the key to my parent's drawer so she can give me a bundle of play money!
6)I'd love to study abroad:-D
7)When I'm finacially stable to forego 2-3 months of salary,I wish to do a volunteer teaching job in South America.
8)Even though I'm always mistaken as a Chinese,Japanese and Korean-I am proud to be Filipino.Just because I hope to settle abroad will never mean that I patronize my home country less.
9)The last famous quote that keeps on ringing on my mind is Barack Obama's "Greatness is never a given,it must be earned".
10)I would like to be a comedy bar denizen.
11)Without the slightest doubt,I think Beyonce is a diva:-D
12)No comment is my way of saying I'm too hurt or too pissed to start talking.
13)No matter how close we are, I feel uncomfortable answering a delicate question in a group.
14)I was brainwashed by a soothsayer to dislike waters because according to her it will be the catalyst of my death.
15)For the record, I lost four cellular phones.The one that I have right now has been with me for four years and inspite of it being nearly obsolete, I can't think of changing it.
16)I could be very stubborn.

17)Insomia has been giving me hellish nights.
18)I am an eclectic reader.
19)If for a day,I could choose a different identity,I would like to be a pastry chef or a habitual tourist.
20)I am usually a trusting person but once it's broken,it would take so much to rebuild it.
21)My Ate is my heroine.
22)For me,camwhoring complements travelling.
23)I would like to pursue teaching,writing and eventually a career in law.
24)I scoff at the idea of destiny.
25)I like subtlety and surprises.But I like it more when somehting is subtly surprising or surprisingly subtle.

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